There are 2 ways to send workflow e-mails in
- By default workflow e-mails are sent with the default e-mail adress This is very easy to use but unfortunately in some cases the workflow e-mails are classified as spam and never reach their recipients.
- You can setup your own SendGrid account and let the workflow e-mails be sent on behalf of your workflow organizers
To do this, either the sender's e-mail adress or the sender's domain has to be authenticated with SendGrid. We have documented the creation process here, finally you get an API key from SendGrid which is placed in the E-Mail Settings dialog.
This selection is defined here:
Use Organizer's e-mail adress
If you use the second option, please take care that all the organizer's e-mail adresses of all workflows within your application must be validated by the so-called sender authentication in the SendGrid service.
If you use an e-mail adress as an organizer which is not authorized you will find an ERROR record in your Sent E-Mail log table:
Webhooks in the workflow e-mails let you know, if the e-mail could be delivered or if it bounced ...
... and furthermore if the mail was opened (and the webhook was downloaded):
In the section E-Mail Events you`ll find the detailled records: