Before you start to connect your own Excel workbook with the Cloud Service, we strongly recommend to do these simple exercises with the Workbook Wizard in order to understand how the connection with workbooks works.
1. Add a new workbook
Start with creating a new workbook definition by clicking the Add new button:
Now enter a name for your first workbook and press the Save button:
2. Start the Workbook Wizard and save the Default Workbook to your application
After the workbook definition was saved please reopen the definition and the Workbook Wizard button is active now:
Do not change the definitions of the default workbook, simply save the workbook by pressing the Save button and leave the wizard with the Back button (in the orange pane on the top of the screen):
This way you have stored the Default workbook (shown in the blue rectangle) as an Excel file to your application.
3. Test it with the Preview function
Back to the initial screen the Preview button has become active:
The default Workbook is loaded in the main area of the screen and the dimension tree - defined earlier - is shown in the tree pane on the right. Double click a bottom level element of the dimension tree in order to test data entry with this spreadsheet:
After entering a few values and some comments press the Write button - the collected data will be stored into the database of your application:
Now switch to the Fact Table tab - you`ll learn that every entry in a cell in the spreadsheet was stored as a recordset into your application. You can see that the allocation to columns was executed as defined in the so called dimension and measure mapping in the Template Wizard: